Page 5 - index
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Opportunities in the • Focus on branch front-line staff • Restructure product catalogues by
operational basics by designing specific profiles and customer needs and with service levels
dedicated training plans to create based on customer segmentation.
In addition to optimizing the an empowered, unified workforce
branch network, banks have other (we call this “workforce of one”); • Integrate channels to facilitate
opportunities to become more proficient support branch employees with both transparency and data sharing so each
in operational basics and increase formal and informal learning tools customer’s buying habits and needs
sales. For instance, they can: that can be enabled and accelerated are known and can be addressed
across an integrated multichannel
• Redefine roles and activities at by cloud-based collaboration buying experience (eliminating a
branches through process optimization, capabilities and social media. more silo-structured approach).
standardization and initiatives • Enhance digital capabilities to provide
enabling focus on sales, such as a more personalized, streamlined and If customers feel they are getting
digitalization, back-office automation robust online banking experience, proper service from their banks and
and integrated CRM systems. Gathering complemented by educational tools the product mix and price points
and pre-filling customer information and simulators to better address meet their expectations, the expected
should also be considered. self-directed customers’ needs. result will be greater customer
satisfaction, retention and loyalty.
• Improve branch sales force performance • Develop basic mobile banking
by implementing next-generation capabilities to provide services
front-end workstations that can that take full advantage of the
provide branch employees with the “on the go, anywhere, anytime”
latest tools, information and guidance nature of mobile devices.
to engage customers effectively.

Banks should consider differentiated branch formats

Cash-less, kiosks— Light branches— Full-service, hubs— Flagships—
maintain for service maintain for sales maintain for advanced banking innovate, attract
COV. 50% COV. 30% COV. 15% COV. 5%
sales services sales services sales services sales services

− 100% transactions − 50% transactions − 40% transactions − 30% transactions
and 50% sales and 60% sales and 70% sales
− Open with staff 1-2
days per week − Tailored hours − Extended hours − Extended hours
− Reciprocity income − Sales lead generation − Sales lead generation − Center of sales and
service excellence
− Minimal staffing − Regular staffing: meeter − Specific staffing: − Specific staffing
DESCRIPTION employees, people − Able to accept and cashiers and (depending on area/
dedicated business
and greeter, cashier
levels (not bank skilled
and peripatetic RMs
segment served):
permanent RMs
from retailing sector)
dedicated business
− Highly specialized
− Fully automated
manage anything
mortgage, trading cashiers and
− Belonging to full − Belonging to advisers permanent RMs
service/light branches full-service branches − Location of experts
− Supports light branches
− Tailored merchandising − Standard merchandising for complex service/sales − Supports all other types
(focus on area and for regulated sales
seasonal campaigns) − Full merchandising − Tailored merchandising,
generating branch traffic − Remote advisory − Digital meeter and greeter − Self-service,
focus on innovation
− Advanced ATM
KEY FEATURES − Opening hours − Flexible concepts innovative tools
supported by hubs
differentiated per
local needs
− Possible franchising model
Source: Accenture
Accenture Distribution and Marketing Services
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